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Since I see a lot of confusion about where to buy Linux games from, I decided to write up some information for you on how to make sure you're counted for Linux.
Just in case you've been living under a rock and haven't looked at Steam or social media I think it's good to remind you that the Steam Summer Sales have arrived. Yes, that means praising Gaben and emptying your wallet.
Since the last time we offered discount codes for 'This War Of Mine' went down so well, we decided to team up with Games Republic once more to throw another bunch at you.
Well, I was writing up both Outlast & Shadow warrior, then I checked my twitter feed and...dayam! Outlast & Shadow warrior are both now on Linux and in the brand new Humble Indie Bundle 14, what a day!
If you have held off buying some of our bigger game ports recently, now is a great time to buy classics like Borderlands 2, XCOM, and the newly ported Bioshock Infinite.
Just a friendly note that Uber Entertainment are wanting feedback on Linux issues in Planetary Annihilation, as they want to make it a great experience.
This War Of Mine is easily one of my favourite survival games, and I gave it a pretty great review recently. We have been gifted 10 discount codes to give you 50% off, so snap them up quickly!
Bundle Stars isn't something we usually cover, but their latest Abstract Bundle is huge, and all games support Linux. One not to be missed that's for sure.